This non-profit project was launched in November of 2023 to stream-cast information to visitors coming or currently touring in Japan. The service is free of charge and is supported by crowd funding, NPO donations, and advert services within the stream-cast. Volunteers who dedicate production and voicing to this project are dedicated to giving travelers information about some incredible historical sites and tourist attractions in Japan.
The stream-cast reaches a new frontier in radio/podcast programming mainly because 90% of the voices heard are artificial intelligent generated voices, explaining the tourist attractions.
Tour Cast is a unique experience that creates an easy listening modern environment that is different and offers a fresh new look while describing important history in Japan.
The programming and production combines historical information and a brief descriptions of tourist attractions, with ambient sounds and electronic music to create a modern learning platform.
This helps a younger generation of enthusiastic tourists to learn about important sites during their visit to Japan.
The Broadcast/Stream-cast is a dedicated platform that works exactly like a media player illustrating audio of recorded descriptions of sites that tourist are generally interested in knowing about.
Currently the stream-cast is dedicated to tourist attractions in Japan and is only available in English.
The Stream-cast can be heard at, where the website is currently under construction. However, for the purpose of offering a demonstration of the project we have posted some of the audio files below. Enjoy.
Click the demo below to hear the various samples of the audio content on “Tour-cast”. It’s a unique learning platform describing tourist attractions and historical sites in Japan. Tour-cast is a tool for travelers in Japan to use when learning about various destinations. When the site is completed listeners can choose by city which audio stream to listen to.
This is a non-profit project. The website is currently under construction. When it is completed, information will be posted with details on how you can support this project. Please check back soon. And thank you for your support.